Tuesday, August 24, 2010

I Live in Vegas

Wow, it has been a crazy couple of days!

Saturday LuAnn and I flew with the twins from Salt Lake to Vegas. I was expecting it to be stressful and traumatic for the boys, but they were such super-stars! They slept the first 15 minutes and were happy for the rest of the flight. I couldn't ask for more perfect boys. We spent the weekend cleaning and unpacking like mad. Where did all of this stuff come from! I don't remember it feeling like we had so much stuff when we were packing. But pulling it all out, trying to figure out where to put it all and cleaning all the dishes, etc. LUCKILY, we had Byron and LuAnn here to help for the first couple of days. Not gonna lie, I was so overwhelmed at first. I just didn't know where to start. But Byron and LuAnn worked like a tornado and made everything come together. THANK YOU!! I bawled like a baby when we left them at the airport.

Last night Bradley and I scrubbed the kitchen floor for two hours. It was soooooo dirty!! just walking on it in bare feet for 10 minutes I'd have black feet. But now it's squeaky clean. But cleaning those floors made me wonder, how do baseboards get so stinking dirty?? Who's hanging out THAT close to the wall THAT often?? Annoying.

So we're all settled in and loving our new house. We'll see how the next 4 years go...

Saturday, August 14, 2010

I've Succumbed

I have officially succumbed to family pressure - the next step above peer pressure. Brittany and Ben started doing the Game On diet and tried recruiting the rest of the family. But I held strong. My mom was the next to go. Then, talking to my dad yesterday, even HE has started the new dieter lifestyle and has lost 15 pounds in just over a month. So, today is day one. I just finished a whole cucumber. Luckily I like cucumbers. I like all vegetables, in fact. Otherwise I'd be really depressed right now.

But really, I'm actually excited about this diet. I have 15 pregnancy pounds to lose and they just haven't slipped off of my body with no effort on my part, like I was hoping. So now I'm trying a new and completely original approach. Eating well and exercising. I think it will revolutionize my lifestyle. My parents say that Brittany is a new woman - both she and Ben look better than the day they got married. And my dad is super trim now. And, sorry mom, but she's always a skinny-minnie, so she's still just in perfect shape. Poor Mom.

My goal - to be like Jenna. Except I can't find the part of this diet that actually makes you younger. Not just look better, but actually GET YOUNGER. Don't get me wrong, I'm still pretty young. But where did all of my energy go? You'd think I was an 85 year old woman. So I'm hoping this diet can shift me back to being 16 again...

So for all to see - 6 months post-partum, 147 lbs... I'll keep you updated...

Tuesday, June 29, 2010

New House

Well, as some of you may have heard, Bradley and I are in the process of buying our first home! Here are some pictures of the house... Hopefully we'll have lots of out-of-town visitors coming to stay with us.

Oh, and I'm not much of an interior decorator, and the thought of decorating a house freaks me out! So if anyone has any great ideas, please share!

Monday, June 28, 2010

Better After

My new hobby is refinishing old furniture - take something old, broken down, ugly, destroyed... what others would see as junk and make it beautiful! My sister-in-law showed me this blog - betterafter.blogspot.com - and I am just in love with it! There are so many things that I want to do!

For my first project, I needed a new crib for Carter. Well, a new, sturdy crib usually starts at about $200 and it's up from there. So I found this old, chewed up crib on ksl.com and refinished it to make a matching set with the dresser that Bradley was working on...



For my next project - make a headboard and footboard out of closet doors...

Another Attempt

Alright, here's another attempt at blogging. I keep meaning to get in the habit and then I get distracted. So here goes...

The oldest pictures that I need to post are from Carter's surgery. When he was 7 weeks old (about two months ago) Carter had to have a surgery for a double hernia! It was heart-breaking to think of the doctors operating on his little, 7 pound body. But he was a trooper. I think he only fussed for about 15 minutes and other than that he acted like nothing was wrong. So it was a good experience overall. And now we don't have to worry about him because he's all fixed up :) It was so cute to see him in the hospital gowns. The nurse gave us their smallest size, and we still had to roll everything up and it STILL didn't even come close to fitting him. We took a picture of him in his GIANT hospital bed. I even got to climb in with him while we waited.

Things are great at the Kelley house! Brad and I picked up the boys and moved in with Bradley's parents for the summer. So we're currently in Preston Idaho. I love it here! There's so much to do. Molly (Brad's lab) had puppies, so it has been fun seeing them grow.

Lance and Carter love it here, too. I can't believe how fast they've grown! Carter is working really hard to catch up with Lance. He eats almost twice as much as his brother! And the older they get, the more they look alike. But they're still not identical because of their different eye color! Here are a few pictures of them...

Little Carter.
Snuggling up with Dad.

Carter hanging out with Papa John.
Awww, twinners. Can you tell who is who?
Lance loves to smile and laugh all the time.
My two sweet boys! Lance is on the left, and Carter on the right. Go team!

Saturday, November 14, 2009

Babies due two weeks apart...

Well, yesterday presented a bit of a scare. I had my big ultrasound, and it showed that one baby is measuring perfectly normal, and the other is near the bottom 10th percentile. My OB said that it ususally wouldn't be a big deal, except for the fact that he's measuring so much smaller (two weeks smaller) than his brother. Both babies have good, strong heart beats and are growing really well. One is just so much smaller! The doctor is a little bit concerned that the smaller baby isn't getting enough nutrients, and suggested that I may need to deliver at 34 weeks, instead of waiting until 40. So I have to see a specialist on Tuesday who will check everything a little more closely and make the delivery decision. Hopefully everything will be fine and we can wait for a later deliver. Otherwise, my new due date will be Feb 3! Scary!!

Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Family Campout

Bradley and I had so much fun this past weekend. We took Thursday and Friday off at work, and went camping with the cousins in Jackson Hole! Thursday was spent packing, driving, and setting up camp. Then on Friday we tried to go fishing and four-wheeling. We didn't have a lot of success because all of the paths were blocked off. But we had fun hiking around looking for a good spot to fish. Unfortunately, I wasn't very careful with the sunblock, and I have the strangest looking sunburn!

Saturday we went canoeing. Brad helped his niece and nephews build a raft out of drift wood. It was actually pretty good! The younger boys took turns paddling around the shore on it.

Saturday night we went to a dinner/concert at Bar J. I'd never heard of it before, but it's a big cowboy attraction in Jackson Hole, and the music was great.

Everyone's a twin. Katie's shirt was a big hit. It says "if you think I'm crazy, you should meet my mother." I think I should get one for my mom!

Our Nephew, Canon, got a rug burn on his forehead. We never did get a full explanation of how that happened. But he said it's because he was cold...